For about four years, I've enjoyed the incredible tiki bar that Bamboo Ben built specifically for The Breezeway (my, (Spike's) home bar). It, along with the iconic orange diamonds, has served as a backdrop to dozens of amazing pinup photoshoots and marketing ads.
In a recent conversation with Bamboo Ben, we discussed that a good tiki room is always evolving. The bar and diamonds had their time, but now it's time to move forward. It kills me to do this, but the Breezeway tiki bar is up for sale. After the giant tiki/ nautical estate sale that I recently landed on, I got so much new stuff that I started working on a new bar in order to evolve the look of The Breezeway.
But for now, a look back at some of the good times with this bar.
Bamboo Ben, during construction.

Putting the final touches on, before the first party in the brand new Breezeway Bar.
Famed Trader Sam's Bartender, Kelly Merrill with buddy, Iggy.
This photo could have been taken in 1963. Kelly, again, during another party.

I spent a lot of time, tending bar, during smaller gatherings.
Shakin' it up with the gorgeous girls, B DeVille and Red Dodge.
Speaking of Red, she's spent a lot of time crawling all over the bar...
She was also a big help in painting and working on building The Breezeway.
Photos by David Rocha
Behind the scenes on the shoot with Red and B.
B DeVille was the star of our music video for "Hula Hula, Bang Bang".
Here she is, with the band, during the shoot.
Susana Vestige of Vestige Photography began regularly using The Breezeway for pinup shoots. We collaborated on a 2015 tiki-pinup calendar. I supplied the location and decor and she supplied the photography and the girls.
We went through a lot of rum back then. Lots of Painkillers (uh, the cocktail, not pills).
Susana and Ashley Brackins
BTS with the glamorous Miss Doris Mayday
I heard something about Miss Kristen Kelly being a reality show star. I never saw her on TV.
Very nice girl though.
Miss Angelique Noir
BTS with Smexcksy
Photo by Susana Vestige
The guys from the Randomland/ Live Fast Die Poor Podcast came by a couple of nights too.
Judging by the brandy, gin, and Rose's lime juice on the bar, it looks like I was serving
Suffering Bastards this night.
A little later on, drinking Coconauts. They wanted to sit behind the bar.
Looks like the set of tropical news desk 'This just in... I'm drunk.'
Sadly for the LFDP guys, they weren't still around when Tamara Von Tart was photographed on the bar by Glen McDowell.
A promo photo of me by the great Glen McDowell
BTS with Leanne
And the actual photo by the amazing Riley Kern. Photographing for a pinups for Vets calendar.
Some of the best times were just hanging out with buddies, having some beers...
Mike Rouse and Rick Downey
Las Vegas' Miss Signe
Here's the bar, serving as a trophy stand for all of the Hot Rod Luau trophies that my buddy, Josh, and I created from last year.
Our bassist/ steel guitartst/ record producer, Shorty Poole, owns Atomic Swag with his girlfriend. The Breezeway was an obvious choice to shoot his brand new Aloha tees.
The look at the Breezeway Bar wouldn't be complete without including photos of my beautiful girlfriend, Miss Ashlyn Coco.
Photos by Kirt Petty
So that's that. I'm ready to send the bar off to another home, so you can build your own memories with it. Shoot me an email at if you are interested.
$500 gets you the bar and the two hand carved stools that I created for it.
I will entertain offers as well.